How To Grow Your Own Hemp Plants in Your Backyard Garden

with Maria Calabrese & Emily Gogol, Ph.D.
In this premium episode of know n' go - How To Grow Hemp in Your Backyard Garden, available exclusively to VIP Green Bee Life subscribers - you’ll discover the secret to growing hemp right in your own backyard. Maria Calabrese follows growing advice from Dr. Emily Gogol, founder of Infinite Tree and Grow It From Home, and shows you just how easy it is to grow hemp. Discover the compelling reasons behind growing your own hemp, explore its versatile applications, and unlock the advantages of growing it from the comfort of your own home.

Featured Expert: Grow It From Home CEO Emily Gogol, Ph.D.

Emily Gogol is the founder and CEO of Infinite Tree, a hemp cultivation farm, and Grow It From Home, whose mission is to sell hemp plants and seeds direct to consumers. She has a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from the University of California, San Francisco. Her love of gardening and passion for science led her to leave San Francisco to open Infinite Tree Farm. It was while operating Infinite Tree that Emily started to receive requests for hemp seeds and plants from backyard gardeners all over the country. So Grow It From Home was born.

How To Grow Hemp In Your Garden

Hemp might be new to you, but if you’re garden curious or an old hand at growing veggies and flowers, we’ve got you covered. Big secret: hemp grows like a tomato! Hemp’s a very chill plant that doesn’t require constant, fussy, or tedious care. “In fact, hemp requires less water than most vegetables, thrives on neglect, and often needs no additional fertilizer,” says Emily. You can start from seed at home or have a lovely plant delivered from their farm to your doorstep. Both are easy to raise and do well for home growers. Growing hemp at home has many advantages. You can control the growing environment, such as soil, soil amendments, and water, to ensure nothing bad is introduced to your plants. Even beginners have said they have grown the best hemp flowers they have ever experienced in small containers in their backyard. Fellow gardeners have reported improved flavor, enhanced aroma, and increased cannabinoid presence as notable benefits of cultivating hemp in their own gardens.

Order hemp plants or seeds.

The easiest way to get growing hemp in your backyard garden is to start with hemp plants. On the other hand, a huge perk to starting with seeds is that they are available all year round. You can order Grow It From Home hemp plants and seeds online in our Green Bee Life marketplace.

Just like your other veggie starts, hemp plants are available starting in the spring through late June - plants are a great option if you want to jump-start your growing journey. Alternatively, an advantage of growing plants from seed is that you can start them at any time. Some gardeners are purists and want to start from the very beginning and harvest year-round. You can also order Grow It From Home hemp seeds from Green Bee Life.

As of 2023 Grow It From Home can ship up to (3) three plants per address in most states to growers who are 21 years or older. States may have different caps on the number of plants you’re allowed to grow, and some states have rules about growing plants in public view. Check with your local cannabis control board or the Department of Agriculture for information on your specific state’s restrictions and freedoms.

Once you have received your hemp plants, remove them immediately from the package and give them two cups of water. Then prepare for step #2.

How much hemp flower can you harvest from a plant?

Hemp is sort of like zucchini, you will have so much you need to give it away. Three plants would provide more than enough flower for personal use.

Unwrap plants and immediately water them.

When your plants arrive, immediately remove them from the box and water with two cups of water. If you can't plant your baby hemp plant seedlings right away, keep them in a slightly shaded spot outdoors or on a sunny windowsill indoors. Water them with two cups of water every other day or until the top two inches of soil is dry.

How much water should you give hemp?

Overwatering can be a problem with hemp. It needs less water than typical vegetable plants. Water deeply and wait until the top two inches of soil are dry before watering again.

Transplant your hemp seedlings.

Wherever you situate your hemp, it can live in a container. This is a great way to control the size of the plant. The root system does need plenty of room, so don’t go smaller than a 5-gallon container. For a bigger plant, use a 10-gallon container. The larger the pot, the larger the plant can grow! Fill the pot with organic soil, leaving room for the plant to sit in the center.

  • Fill your container with high-quality potting soil and water it in.
  • Carefully remove the seedling from the container. Do not tousle the roots.
  • Dig a hole in the soil large enough for the plant and nestle it in. Pat the soil back into place around the plant.
  • Gently water the plant right away, then check the moisture level of the soil using your finger or a water meter every 1-2 days. Water only when needed.

It's really that easy!

Growing Hemp in the Ground

Hemp plants grown in the ground can grow much larger than those grown in containers. If you want those impressive, tree-like structures, this is the way to go!

  • While hemp is very low-maintenance, you'll still want to make sure the soil it's grown in has plenty of nutrients. Start by either amending the soil with high-quality organic garden soil for vegetables or digging a 2' x 2' hole for each plant and filling the area with the new soil.
  • Gently remove the seedling from the container. Do not tousle the roots.
  • Dig a hole in the soil large enough for the plant and nestle it in.
  • Gently water the plant right away, then check the moisture level of the soil using your finger or a water meter every 2-3 days. Water only when needed.

How much growing space does a hemp plant need?

For hemp plants transplanted into the ground, use a 2'x2' hole. If you are going to plant in a container, make sure it is at least five gallons or bigger.

Enjoy CBD hemp leaves & flowers.

Because hemp is so versatile and all parts of the plant are usable - hemp has many uses in your everyday life. Here are just a few ideas to spark your brainstorming:

  • You can grow it to create your own extracts to use in DIY personal care and beauty products.
  • Make infused oils or different types of butter for cooking to eliminate the middleman from your CBD products.
  • Make your own hemp oil (which can be used a zillion different ways).
  • Dry and cure the flowers to smoke or vape.
  • Save the seeds to grow for next year.
  • Use the leaves in salads, smoothies, and more.
  • Create home decor with the foliage.
  • Use the roots in natural remedies.
  • Enrich your garden soil by composting or mulching plant scraps.
  • Use it as a conversation starter with your family and friends.
  • People have been known to consume hemp for pain relief, a sense of calm, and relaxation.
  • People have even used it to reduce their environmental footprint. Hemp is known to draw down large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere.

Exclusive Green Bee Life Subscriber Savings on Everything You Need to Grow Hemp From Home

From gardening gear and totes, we caught up with Grow It From Home for some fun accessories you'll want to get started growing hemp in your backyard.

Use coupon code HOMEGROWN to save 20% on any Grow It From Home products and your entire order sitewide.

Build a Hemp Floral Bouquet With Your Homegrown Hemp

Frequently Asked Questions About Growing Your Own Hemp

Why grow hemp? What can someone do with it?

Hemp has many uses:

  • Create your own extracts to use in DIY personal care and beauty products
  • Make infused oils and butter for cooking
  • Dry and cure the flowers to smoke or vape
  • Save the seeds to grow next year
  • Make your own hemp oil (which can be used a zillion different ways)
  • Use the leaves in salads, smoothies, and more
  • Create shade when the plants attain some height.
  • Use it as a conversation piece or starter.
  • People have been known to use hemp oil for pain relief, anxiety relief & relaxation.
Why grow hemp at home?
There are a lot of reasons why someone chooses the plants they do to include in their garden. Aside from personal reasons of your own, there are two very important reasons:

One, you can control the growing environment, such as soil, soil amendments, and water, to ensure nothing bad is introduced to your plants.

Two, even beginners have said they have grown the best hemp flowers they have ever had - improved flavor, enhanced aroma, and greater cannabinoid presence - in small containers in their backyard.
How much hemp flower can you harvest from a plant?
Hemp is sort of like zucchini, you will have so much you need to give it away. Three plants would provide sufficient flowers for personal use.
How can I ensure compliance with THC limits in my homegrown hemp plants?
Hemp plants and seeds should include a Certificate of Analysis (COA) with lab test results. Grow it From Home plants and seeds come with a COA. All of Grow It From Home seeds and plants are legally certified as hemp, so as long as you are growing with their plants, you are compliant.
How old do I need to be?
Most states require you to be 21 years or older. Therefore, Green Bee Life and Grow It From Home require all customers to be 21 years or older.
Is it legal to grow hemp at home in my state?
Despite federal legalization, individual states have the authority to enact their own hemp regulations. Some states allow hemp cultivation at home for personal or recreational purposes, while others require a license due to its classifcation as an agricultural product. Licenses are relatively easy to obtain and inexpensive. Laws vary by state. And rules for growing hemp indoors can be different than outdoors. You can check out this website which contains information for every state, please see resources from your state, county, and city local laws and regulatory agencies.
* Legal Disclaimer: The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. Laws and regulations regarding cannabis and cannabis products can vary significantly by locality and jurisdiction. You are strongly advised to consult a legal professional or attorney in your area to obtain advice tailored to your specific situation and to ensure compliance with all applicable local and state laws. We make no representations, warranties, or guarantees, explicit or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information provided herein. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this site are hereby expressly disclaimed.
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