Team Green Bee spills the tea on whether family and friends have benefited from this multi-faceted plant with the myriad of issues our bodies experience. If you're muscles are sore, you're having trouble sleeping or staying asleep, stressed or concerned about your endocannabinoid system (wait, what's an endocannabinoid system?), our hilarious cast of noble plant representatives share how cannabis, as a wellness solution, has or has not helped them or the people they know.
Plant medicine, including hemp oil from cannabis has been leveraged for centuries as a natural solution for many conditions. With the proliferation of legalization, research is on the rise and anecdotal evidence points to cannabis as much more than the promise of a high. Dr. Sula Benet, PhD (1903-1982), a Polish anthropologist believed that hemp had been neglected in scientific literature for centuries. In her groundbreaking article, The Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp, she shares research to support that the plant was used dating as far back as Moses and Jesus for anointing and healing and celebrated in ancient cultures for thousands of years. While the prohibition and stigmatization of cannabis is a modern day construct fueled by the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act and War on Drugs, we are hopeful for increased research and learn what we can from anecdotal evidence.
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